
At its core, the World Wide Web is just hypertext, the HTTP protocol, and a browser program. And the most central of the hypertext markup tags, dating back to the original implementation of the WWW, is the hyperlink. So it seemed appropriate to provide a page devoted entirely to hyperlinks, in order to send its visitors careening out onto offbeat trajectories across cyberspace that they might not have discovered without such a sojourn in Cittagazze (or the , if you prefer that side of the fence).

May you eternally travel a new and unscripted path!


ESR Hacktivism
Responsible for many of the ideas that originally inspired me to get serious about computers
The Feynman Lectures on Physics
Don't just read these online!!! You want to buy the dead trees version, so that you can take notes and make calculations! However, these are convenient if your master set is at home
Gerard 't Hooft's Roadmap to Theoretical Physics
A Rather eminent quantum physicist provides a step-by-step construction of the foundations of modern physics. Make it through this and the Feynman Lectures, and you'll know more than most first-year physics grad students.
1.5 Hyperboles
She's like a real living breathing person, with thoughts and feelings and stuff :)
Similar; but Different
Tomas Michaud
Free Guitar Lessons, on the Internet! The best I've found
Samuel Lewis archive
For enlightenment and stuff. An amigo de Ram Dass
Aaron Swartz's old blog
Many interesting thoughts, a very solid Python webserver module, and the original solution to the samizdat from Infinite Jest. Maybe RIP is not quite the appropriate sentiment; may your spirit be reincarnated until your work is done...
Surprisingy well-spoken, for a persona non grata
Computers, Physics and Taoism via stream-of-consciousness... if that's your schtick
Nikolai Bezroukov
Crazy Russian writes comprehensive treatise on computer viruses; hilarity ensues. Just, so many opinions...
Writings of Nikola Tesla
The largest publicly available collection of Tesla's essays that I'm aware of. Includes many of his more unconventional beliefs and predictions.
Giant Tesla Coils!
Turns out, there's a huge community of amateur inventors online obsessed with pushing the limits of high-voltage DIY. This is a good portal into that world.
Sidis Archives
Trippy ideas from a long-dead child prodigy
Blatant Open-source Propaganda!
(But from the good guys...)
Music of the Sun
An unusual reimagining of the Ainulindale of the Silmarillion
Noam Chomsky
Dude knows what's up
Heather Kulik's Blog
Anything you ever wanted to know about doing computational chemistry and molecular visualization...
Cool Sculptures
Enigmatic, evasive, Delphically macabre. Art with a capital 'A' !
Maud Grieve: A Modern Herbal
Quirky old encyclopedia of medicinal herbs. The historical introductions accompanying most entries are especially unique/obscure/interesting
James Duke's Garden
A world expert on the medicinal and biochemical properties of plants
Tom Brown
Survivalism School!
One approach to hacking the doors of perception
Brave New World Revisited
Though I don't agree with all of it, I do think that this "sequel" is even more relevant than the original


I can haz languages!
James Duke's Ethnobotanical Database
Search plant species by their constitutent compounds!
3V Protein Channel Finder
Upload a pdb, to identify possible ion channels!
the Tor Project
For the tinfoil hat crowd
Encyclopedia of Life
It's like wikipedia, but for all known species of life!