About the Site

ravingmadscientist.org is hosted on a VPS leased from Hostwinds, running Ubuntu 14.04 (LTS). The primary webserver is Nginx, which handles all static content. HTTP URIs corresponding to dynamic content are reverse-proxied through Nginx to a uWSGI WSGI server, which routes the requests to the proper representative from a menagerie of homebuilt Python modules which collectively handle all server-side logic, including AJAX requests. Client-side content is handwritten in emacs/vim/gedit, depending on (mood, weather, daily horoscope?), with all formatting and post-processing managed via a homemade Python script wrapped in bash. Except the logo- I made that in Inkscape.


Questions, thoughts, or ideas? Hit me up at rms@ravingmadscientist.org

I feel like I'm supposed to say some things about copywrite. hmm....

ie, everything on the site is GPL--- if you want to sell something I wrote, email me and we can talk.
That's all